56 year old male, self employed plumber, does significant heavy lifting, rides motorcycles, extremely active with discogenic positive pain @ L4-5 and negative at other levels.
Post-Op image
Lateral Prodisc
2 weeks post-op, patient back to full time work, taking no pain medication, doing some heavy lifting. At one month post-op, full duty, doing full activity, heavy lifting, starting to ride bicycle and motorcycle, on no pain medication.
56 year old female who had unbearable low back pain and waited 2 years for the Prodisc to become available and had discogenic low back pain positive @ L5-S1 and negative at the levels above, and now 3 weeks post-op has ZERO low back pain and taking ZERO pain medication and has resumed her normal life after just 3 weeks.
56 yo female 3 weeks post-op
The Prodisc is a Synthes product and their website contains a plethora of information. Please link to their website by clicking on the image below and read their FAQ's and general information.